happy surgearversary! (if you wanna use the quippy phrase, you'll have to take it up with julie-meow)
Yep, a year ago today was Greg's latest deep-dish brain surgery... what do you say? congratulations? I guess so, he deserves it. My big brother and his beautiful business savvy wife of one year hit a landmark. I love them both more than the miles between us, from here to Houston. (i would go on, but you know how emotional i get and all...)
*i can't make up for the fact that my most recent pics of them are from wedding '09. good looking though, huh? (Greg and Julie--kiss kiss--aug. '09 boston mass.)
*and yes... virtually all (recent) pics of greg and i don't show my face cause i've spent a lot of time over the years curling up in the comfort of older siblings...it comes with being baby sister i suppose.
to another year of major medical headway!!!
Oh man, your brother is so super hot I can hardly stand to look at these pictures. Freak.